Schroders launches euro credit absolute return fund

Schroders International Selection Fund (ISF) has launched its Euro Credit Absolute Return UCITs fund, which aims to provide a positive annual return throughout the market cycle.

Schroders launches euro credit absolute return fund


The strategy combines traditional top-down views with the credit team’s themes-based credit process, which identifies global trends and applies in-depth business model analysis to determine which issuers will benefit and which are vulnerable to these trends.

Schroder’s credit team currently manages €8bn (£5.65bn, $8.5bn) on behalf of clients around the world.

The fund will be managed by Patrick Vogel and the European credit team.

“The new fund will plug into our proprietary themes-based credit approach, to create a diversified credit strategy. Implementing themes through long and short positions in a highly risk conscious manner, we aim to combine high levels of alpha with credit yield to deliver consistent return for our clients,” said Vogel.

Carlo Trabattoni, head of pan-European intermediary distribution and GFIG at Schroders, said: “As investors become more conscious of achieving returns throughout the market cycle, the strategy can allow them to find opportunities in credit markets even when bond yields are rising.”