RWC launches fund into Germany

RWC Partners has received authorisation to sell its Ucits III Absolute Alpha Fund in Germany.


The fund is a US equity long short strategy managed by Mike Corcell which was launched in October last year and has since raised over $350m in assets under management.

The firm currently manages over $1.5bn in Uctis III funds including the RWC Global Convertibles Fund and RWC Strategic Reserve Fund, managed by Daivde Basile, which have been registered in Germany for a number of years. In addition RWC Partners also manages the Ucits III RWC Advance Absolute Alpha Fund which is a global long short fund with a focus on the TMT sector, launched in February this year.

RWC US Absolute Alpha is managed using the same process Corcell developed over the last five years, four of which were spent managing a US absolute return strategy for Threadneedle Asset Management. The fund offers daily liquidity and is available in EUR, USD and GBP fully hedged share classes.

“We launched our first Ucits III fund three and a half years ago and have seen significant demand over that period from our German clients,” said head of business development, Dan Mannix.

“Registering our Ucits III funds in Germany and ensuring they are transparent from a tax perspective is key for our clients and also makes the funds more broadly available.”