Royal Skandia restructures Asia sales teams

Royal Skandia has restructured its Asia sales teams, appointing Mike Leeson to head of sales in Hong Kong.

Royal Skandia restructures Asia sales teams


As well as Leeson, Jason Pearce, who previously worked as a salesperson in the UK for Skandia Life, has been promoted to area manager for Hong Kong and North Asia.

In addition, MacDonald, previously head of Asia for Royal Skandia, has been appointed head of sales in Singapore, tasked with developing and growing the business in that region and the surrounding South East Asian countries.  To support MacDonald, Craig Cheyne has been appointed area sales manager for Singapore and SE Asia. 

Michelle Andrews, commercial director of Skandia International, said: “There are different opportunities in Hong Kong and Singapore.

“The regulatory landscape is also at different stages in each market. As our strategy in the region evolves and our business grows, we recognise the need to develop more localised, tailored support. I’m a firm believer that investors and their Financial Advisers will benefit from the creation of specific, dedicated sales management teams in both Hong Kong and Singapore.”