Role models can make financial services more welcoming

Diversity organisation on a recruitment spree to build a global network


Potential recruits aspiring to have a career in financial services can be put off because they do not see themselves represented in the industry.

This is true for gender, ethnicity and especially for LGBT+ candidates.

To help the sector overcome this barrier, diversity and inclusion representative organisation LGBT Great is looking to build a network of role model ambassadors.

This is part of its five-year programme ‘Project 1000’, which is looking to find 1,000 LGBT+ individuals and allies working within global financial services.

They will be at the forefront of the organisation’s campaigns that aim to influence and encourage the industry to support and nurture a more diverse talent pool.

The recruitment drive follows the appointment of Legal & General Investment Management’s head of inclusion and culture, Colette Comerford, as lead role model ambassador in September 2019.

‘Make a real difference’

She will spearhead the network of representatives around the world to improve the industry’s track record when it comes to LGBT+ professionals and clients.

Comerford said: “I can’t think of a more exciting way to start a new year, and my new position as lead role model ambassador, than with this important recruitment drive.

“For role model ambassadors, this is a terrific opportunity to drive Project 1000’s goal for greater visibility, building belonging and connection for more LGBT+ individuals and allies across the investment & savings industry.

“Role models can make a real difference and given the incredible individuals who have already stepped into the spotlight, I have no doubt that we will achieve our goal of 1,000 role models over five years.”

The more diverse the better

LGBT Great said it is looking to build a team of ambassadors that mirrors society; with different cultures, sexualities, gender expressions and identities, worldwide.

Jack Williams, member delivery consultant at LGBT Great, said: “Visible role models are a critical part of any company’s development, and this is no different for LGBT+ diversity & inclusion.

“We know that emerging talent want to see people that they can aspire to be like, and with the creation of the role model ambassadors, we’re heightening visibility.”

International Adviser’s parent company, Last Word Media, is the exclusive industry media partner of LGBT Great.