Risk profiling, made simple

It is widely accepted that asset allocation is the primary driver of long-term returns in any investment portfolio, although long-term strategic asset allocation is not just about economic fluctuations, it is also about having a deep understanding of the long-term relative behaviour of asset classes. Unfortunately, the behaviour of asset classes (across the world, in…


With this in mind, and in conjunction with global fund managers Fidelity International, Hansard are excited to announce the launch of a one stop, intuitive tool to assist you in helping your clients determine their appetite for investment risk. What is more, it’s a tool that provides investment solutions that match their personal requirements via a number of expertly managed model portfolios.

The demands on your resources are significant, the time and personal investment required to structure and implement bespoke asset allocation solutions for your clients may not always be available. Our new online solution and range of model portfolios have been carefully designed to help you match your clients’ requirements to a suitable risk profiled fund much quicker than similar tools that you may have used in the past, whilst taking the pressures of asset allocation out of your hands and into those of one of the worlds’ largest asset management companies.

Central to the solution is a new, easy to use Attitude to Risk Questionnaire that has been designed by investment experts, Fidelity International, to guide clients and their advisors through 10 short questions, cleverly assessing their appetite to risk. Generating an instant score, measuring the client’s attitude to risk, the tool cleverly calculates a risk-based match to one of the Hansard International Fidelity Model Portfolios.

The funds benefit from the considerable expertise of the Fidelity Multi Asset team, Fidelity’s in-house specialists, who have a 20 year history of developing solutions tailored to match specific client objectives and risk profiles, managing over $49bn on behalf of clients like yours, across the globe.

As an advisor, you can rest assured that the asset allocation decisions made by the multi-asset team at Fidelity are implemented within clearly defined limits, to ensure ongoing consistency with the funds’ stated risk profile. The risk and return expectations are derived from Fidelity’s rigorous proprietary modelling and scenario analysis methodology, developed by their expert Investment Solutions Design team.

The multi asset funds, investing in both bonds and equities, are split into 5 broad risk profiles – Defensive, Strategic, Growth, Adventurous and World. Each fund is managed around a carefully modelled long-term strategic benchmark, which is designed to deliver the maximum return for a given level of risk. By using these generally lowly correlated asset classes and the benefits of diversifying investment across different equity regions, the scope to generate higher returns on a more consistent basis with lower volatility is improved. This gives greater flexibility in the management of the funds and diversifies risk.

Each of these funds has a differentiated risk profile and clear investment parameters to ensure the delivery of returns consistent with your clients’ appetite for risk. Giving you the confidence that there is a fund within the range that could act as the cornerstone of any client’s investment portfolio.

Why Hansard International Fidelity model portfolios?

• Managed by Fidelity International, one of the world’s largest providers of active investment strategies, serving clients in over 25 countries globally with assets under management of £234bn+

• Diversified, actively managed and cost-effective, a range of 5 multi asset solutions designed to form the core of a client portfolio

• Proven Investment Solution Design, Strategy Selection and Tactical Asset Allocation to give you confidence that your clients’ investment needs are being met today and tomorrow.

+ Source: Fidelity International as at 31 March 2017.