Quilter revamps financial adviser school qualifications

As head of the academy exits


Financial services giant Quilter is evolving its financial adviser school to offer multiple routes to qualification to individuals looking to enter the advice profession.

The routes to qualification now include a revamped fast track programme for individuals looking to study full-time.

This option will run alongside the current lifestyle programme which supports students looking to transition slowly from one career to another while still completing the necessary examinations to qualify as a financial adviser.

The fast track programme is aimed at those who want to accelerate the time it takes to obtain the required diploma level qualification. The programme will take 16 weeks to complete, while the part-time programme will continue to run over a period of nine months on average. There will be no change to the school’s level 6 chartered programme.

The school will continue to be led by Amanda Cassidy, managing director of Quilter Financial Advisers.

As a result of the restructure, head of the school Julian Hince is looking to “pursue his career outside the Quilter Financial Adviser School”, the firm said.

Fix the ‘huge advice gap’

Cassidy, managing director of Quilter Financial Advisers, said: “For a long time, the training and development of the next cohort of financial advisers has been very close to my heart, so I am really excited about this new chapter for the financial adviser school.

“We are incredibly proud to reach a milestone of 500 students going through our school, but we want to accelerate the pace and target new cohorts of students, particularly those retraining later in life.

“The nation is suffering from a huge advice gap and the only way to fix it is to bring in new blood into the industry.

“As a result, we are really excited to create a new role for Kim McCracken who will focus on continuous development of the school and spread the word about how fantastic a career in financial advice can be and why firms both within our network and the whole of market should think about using the financial adviser school to build the next generation of advisers.

“I want to also take this opportunity to thank Julian Hince for the huge impact he has made to the school and wish him well for the future.”