Quilter Investors hires chief executive from Aberdeen Standard

As outgoing boss Paul Simpson retires


Quilter’s multi-asset investment solutions business has hired Bambos Hambi as chief executive. 

He joins Quilter Investors from Aberdeen Standard Investments where he was head of multi-manager strategies. 

Hambi brings over 30 years’ experience within the funds industry, 10 of which he spent at Quilter early on in his career. 

He will succeed outgoing chief executive Paul Simpson who is set to retire. 

The firm did not specify when Hambi will take on the role or when Simpson is to leave the business. 

‘Coming full circle’

Paul Feeney, chief executive at Quilter, said: “I’m delighted Bambos is joining Quilter Investors. His skill and experience in manager and fund selection further strengthens our investment capability as we continue to build exceptional investment solutions that deliver for clients and advisers.  

“He will succeed Paul Simpson who is retiring after a long and distinguished career and I am immensely grateful for Paul’s contribution to building Quilter Investors.” 

Hambi added: “Having worked for Quilter at the beginning of my career it feels wonderful to be coming full circle and I’m thrilled I can be involved in the next phase of Quilter Investors growth.”