Quaero Argos Assets fund given Ucits status

Quaero Capital’s Argos Real Assets fund has been given Ucits status having secured a three-year track record.

Quaero Argos Assets fund given Ucits status


The Switzerland-based boutique said the fund would invest primarily in equities and real estate investment trusts (Reits) across developed markets.

It will offer investors access to infrastructure, real estate, forestry and agricultural assets.

The fund launched in 2012 and is managed by Marc Ebert with no leverage, no shorting, and no hedge strategies.

Claiming greater liquidity than many real asset funds, the vehicle focuses on companies that generate a steady, recurring yield from land-based assets.

It seeks out companies with business models showing high-growth cash yields and significant barriers to competition.

Family of funds

The fund now sits alongside the other five Quaero funds within the Argos Sicav umbrella: Real Assets; Yield Opportunities; International Equities; Global Conservative; Global Balanced; and Global Dynamic portfolios.

All six funds are registered for retail distribution across Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and the UK.

Jean Keller, chief executive at Quaero, said the product offered diversification benefit as well as a hedge against inflation and “economic hardship”.

He said: “Real assets such as infrastructure, real estate and agricultural land are offering exposure to very regular cash flows directly attached to ownership of land through a diversified portfolio of liquid stocks.”