Qnups in retirement planning: a case study on Peter

In this second instalment on Qnups in wealth planning, the director of Isle of Man-based pension provider Optimus, Martin Hall, runs through a case study where Qnups are the right solution for the client.

Qnups in retirement planning: a case study on Peter


DISCLAIMER: It is a widely considered view that for the above tax treatment to be effective in any particular case, a Qnups arrangement must be established with a purpose to provide genuine pension benefits.

With this in mind, it is worth noting that the Qnups is approved in the Isle of Man under specific pension legislation and regulated as such.

Furthermore, it is approved by the Isle of Man tax authorities under pension legislation.

Peter is 45 and in good health and the contribution to the Qnups is affordable within the context of his overall wealth and income. He can demonstrate a genuine desire to supplement his future retirement income and provide future financial protection for his family. The Qnups is therefore genuine retirement planning.