qatar tops gulf countries as most expensive

Qatar is the most expensive country to live in in the Gulf Co-operation Council region‚ according to Cost of Living Reports Middle East (CLR).

qatar tops gulf countries as most expensive


The analysis by the Middle East cost of living report provider found that across seven sectors such as accommodation, food, healthcare and education, Qatar was the most expensive overall followed by UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait.

In some areas Qatar was leagues ahead of the rest. For example, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the fourth quarter of 2013 in Qatar was $42,930 a year. This compared with £27,390 a year in the UAE, the second highest, and was 15 times more expensive than Bahrain at $2,849 a year.

Dubai-based CLR said that limited supply and high demand had driven up rental prices in Qatar while Bahrain had suffered from an exodus of expatriates following the political turmoil there.

Qatar topped the table for car rental at $2,773 a month for a sports utility vehicle compared with $1,390 for the same vehicle in the UAE. Annual gym membership was $2,686 in Qatar while in Oman a work-out would cost a paltry $48 a year.

Qatar did not come out top in all areas. A single appointment with a doctor in UAE was $78.50 followed by Qatar ($54). Health insurance was most expensive in Bahrain ($2,312 a year) and cheapest in Kuwait ($266).

Utility costs were highest in the UAE at $268.5 per bill compared with Qatar’s $135 while Saudi was the cheapest at $55.

The highest GDP was in Qatar which reported more than $100,000 per capita where 94% of the population are expatriates.