Prudential latest victim of impersonation scams

Fraudster created fake letters and brochures using the firm’s logo


An alleged fraudster has been sending out emails, letters and brochures claiming to be an employee of London-headquartered life insurance provider Prudential. 

Kusal Ariyawansa, a financial planner at Manchester-based advisory firm Appleton Gerrard, shared the alleged scam on social media. 

The individual in question, going by the name of Richard Street, claims to be a senior investment manager at Prudential and, according to Ariyawansa, he is offering a guaranteed growth rate Isa from the life insurer. 

He sent through “official looking” letters and brochures, the planner said, who also claims Street is using a fake Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) number in his communication. 

A spokesperson for Prudential confirmed to International Adviser that the company’s fraud team, “which is dedicated to identifying and taking scams down”, is looking into the matter.

Always check

An online search revealed that the email cited in Street’s letters doesn’t appear to link back to any of Prudential’s services or staff member accounts. 

Additionally, there was no answer at the number provided on the business card.