Still time to enter our Best Practice Adviser Awards – Watch the video!

There is still a chance to enter International Adviser’s inaugural Best Practice Adviser Awards if you’re in the UK as we have extended the deadline to 31 August. So have your hard work and innovation recognised and enter today.




Entries for Europe, Singapore and Hong Kong, South Africa and the Middle East have now closed.

Watch the video now to uncover why you should be involved.

The International Adviser Best Practice Adviser Awards, in partnership with Old Mutual International, will recognise those within the industry that are, or have made, the biggest transitions towards best practice.

Eight categories have been created for global advisers to enter from excellence in business transformation to best client service provider to achievement in investment planning.

We will host award ceremonies in Europe, Hong Kong, the Middle East, London, South Africa and Singapore over the 12 months.

Submitting an entry is quick and easy; provide us with a few contact details, choose the category you wish to enter online, provide a brief and succinct summary on why you deserve to win and submit online here…

For the list of categories and their criteria, please click here for more information.

For any questions about entering, please contact Amber Bates on


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