The company said the Luxembourg-domicile fund, which is UCITS compliant, will invest predominantly in short term emerging corporate debt and will have a three year maximum duration.
The fund has initially been registered in Luxembourg, but with a view to being registered elsewhere in Europe during 2014.
Head of emerging corporate at Pictet Alain-Nsiona Defise will manage the fund with a team of seven emerging market corporate investment professionals.
Defise said: “This new fund aims to offer investors stable income generation and lower volatility compared to longer term emerging market corporate debt.
“The fund is well-diversified and invests across all sectors and emerging markets globally.”
The minimum initial investment for the fund will be $1m, and its total size is $19.3m.
It also includes a 0.55% management fee, a 0.03% custody fee and a 0.12% administration fee.
Defise also runs the company’s Emerging Corporate Bonds Fund, which was launched in January last year.
The fund, like its newly released sister product, is UCITS compliant and aims to give exposure to the expanding emerging markets corporate bonds asset class.
Upon launch, it sought to outperform the JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified by 2% per annum over a 3-5 year period.