How to personalise interaction with clients

In her final feature on customer service, Julie Littlechild, founder of Absolute Engagement, looks beyond customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to personalise interaction with clients


Ongoing communications

If you have a more advanced process, you might ask clients which topics are of interest and then segment your communications based on the three or four most common interests. For example, if they expressed an interest in how to talk to their children about money, you could send them any articles of interest you find. 

However, some of the most interesting advances in client communications are technologies that personalise the information clients receive based on their interests.  Some programmes ask clients about their interests and then automatically curate content on the basis of that input.

For example, one Canadian technology company uses social profiles to ‘understand’ what kind of information would be of interest to a client and then curates content based on everything from the industry to the groups they participate in on LinkedIn.

The example here is that clients are individually receiving links to articles that reflect their true interests.

In the end, you should feel good about delivering a strong level of service. As the industry changes, as technology and clients change, we must have one eye on the future – and the future is personalised.


Julie Littlechild is a speaker, writer and researcher. Her firm Absolute Engagement conducts ongoing research into the drivers of personal, client and team engagement and translates the findings into powerful thought leadership and training programmes.