PEOPLE MOVES: Quilter Cheviot, HSBC Singapore, Deutsche Bank

Investment manager poaches former Brooks Macdonald managing director, as bank hires Singapore wealth head


Quilter Cheviot

The UK investment manager has appointed Nick Holmes as managing director to support the firm’s ongoing growth strategy and drive a number of initiatives.

Holmes joins from Brooks Macdonald, where he has spent his entire career to date.

He started as a trainee investment manager 22 years ago and was managing director between 2008 and 2018.

HSBC Singapore

Ian Yim has been named as head of wealth and international which serves both domestic and international customers of the bank’s operation in Singapore.

Yim has spent most of his career with HSBC Singapore.

Prior to this latest role, he was head of Premier International, and had been with the bank for more than 15 years.

Deutsche Bank

The former USB president of wealth management, Jürg Zeltner, has been nominated as a non-independent member of the German bank’s supervisory board.

He will succeed Richard Meddings, who resigned from his supervisory board mandate after nearly four years with effect from 31 July 2019.

Zeltner is a co-investor in KBL European Private Bankers, where he at the same time was appointed group chief executive and a member of the board of directors.

However, because the Qatar-based shareholder of that private banking group is simultaneously an investor in Deutsche Bank, Zeltner will be deemed a “non-independent member of the supervisory board”.

He has worked in the financial services sector for over 30 years in a variety of roles, including in Switzerland, Germany and across Europe, as well as in Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.

From 1987 until the end of 2017, Zeltner worked for UBS, where his final position was as president of wealth management.

Saranac Partners

The independent financial advisory firm has hired Marc Vowell as client adviser.

Vowell joins from JP Morgan, where he was executive director.

His career spans over 17 years in banking, starting at Coutts before joining Barclays Wealth, where he held senior roles at both firms.

Hargreaves Lansdown

The UK investment platform has announced senior analyst Laith Khalaf will exit the business in early September.

He indicated to our sister website Portfolio Adviser that he will be taking some time off before deciding his next move.

His exit, after 18 years at the platform, comes six months after former Morningstar senior international editor Emma Wall joined Hargreaves as head of investment analysis.

Khalaf first joined the firm in 2001 after graduating from Cambridge University.

During his 18 years at the firm, he has held a variety of roles in pensions and investments and was promoted to senior analyst in 2014.