pain leaves Friends Life shifts emphasis to Asia

Bob Pain is the highest profile casualty as the latest Friends Provident International restructure means he will leave the firm early next month.

pain leaves Friends Life shifts emphasis to Asia


This review will see a change in emphasis for Friends Life’s international division with senior management changes that will strengthen the company’s commitment to Asia.

Pain joined the company in 1991 and has been international sales director at FPI since 2005, accountable for worldwide sales performance and responsible for the sales teams in Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai.

However, because his role is UK-based, he will now leave the firm on 2 April.

The management changes, announced on 5 March, will include a new role of executive director for Asia, located in Hong Kong with responsibility for businesses in Asia and the Middle East. This will also include AmLife, part of the AmBank Group in Malaysia, where the company launched a specialist business – AmFamily Takaful – at the end of last year.

“These changes will create a focused structure to improve and strengthen Friends Life’s international division’s regional resources,” according to a company spokesperson.

Elsewhere, Stefan Giesecke, currently chief executive at fpb AG, the company’s German distribution partner, has been named as director Europe with responsibility for managing and developing the entire European operation for Friends Life.

“These changes will create a focused structure to improve and strengthen our regional resources,” the spokesperson added.

“The international business which incorporates Lombard, AmLife, fpb Germany and FPI, remains well positioned in its chosen markets and exciting opportunities will continue to develop for us.”

In the official press release, rather than making any formal comment on the company restructure, managing director international at Friends Life, John Van Der Wielen, preferred to concentrate on Pain’s achievements.

“Bob has done a great job motivating the sales teams and breeding healthy competition between the regions and colleagues to drive sales performance and his management of the teams has contributed to the steady increase in sales during his time with the international business.

“I’d like to thank him for his dedication and contribution to the success of the international business and I wish him every success for the future.”

Among a number of industry roles, Pain’s most recent position was deputy chairman of AILO.