Northstar unveils index linked range with capital protection

Bermuda-based Northstar Financial Services has launched an S&P 500 index-linked product which will carry a 100% capital return guarantee.

Northstar unveils index linked range with capital protection


The Global Index Protect will have a choice of 5, 7 and 10 year durations and the option of an annual lock-in feature, that ensures any annual gains in the index are captured so that the guaranteed payment at maturity is increased through the life of the contract.

Northstar said the product was aimed at investors looking for capital protection but also wishing to benefit from any positive performance in the US equity market.

“The combination of guaranteed 100% principal protection and, in some cases, more than 100% of the upside potential of equity markets should prove to be an attractive proposition to our advisers and their clients,” said Northstar’s global head of distribution, Alejandro Moreno.

Established in 1998, Northstar provides financial solutions for international investors spread across over 100 countries which all utilise a Bermuda trust structure that offers security and enhanced wealth transfer flexibility.

“The addition of Global Index Protect further demonstrates Northstar’s commitment to delivering innovative products to help serve the needs of our international clients more closely,” said the firm’s vice chairman, Mark Rogers in a statement.