Old Mutual Wealth and CII launch adviser academy

Old Mutual Wealth has partnered with the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) to launch an Investment Academy, designed to help advisers meet new CII criteria.

Old Mutual Wealth and CII launch adviser academy


The academy is targeted at advisers studying towards their AF4 Investment Planning module and individual Chartered status.

The programme involves five full-day training sessions starting in November and finishing in March next year, with an exam in April 2017.

CII criteria

The launch of the Investment Academy is in response to a change to the CII’s Chartered firm criteria announced 18 months ago, whereby at least 25% of a firm’s financial advisers must hold the individual Chartered Financial Planner title to achieve corporate Chartered status.

At present, only the firm’s most senior staff, along with one member of a firm’s board needs to hold the Chartered Financial Planner title.  


The Investment Academy has six fund partners in addition to Old Mutual Wealth: Aberdeen Asset Management, Henderson Global Investors, JP Morgan Asset Management, M&G Investments, Old Mutual Global Investors and Schroders Investment Management.

For Old Mutual it is part of a wider push into financial adviser education that saw it buy the Financial Adviser School last year.

Chartered financial planning businesses have increased by 82% since 2012 with around 5,300 individuals now holding the Chartered Financial Planner title and 734 firms.

There is also evidence that the title is gaining recognition, with a 2015 CII survey finding that Chartered status has helped 78% of firms attract more potential clients, up from 57% in 2009.

Scott Goodsir, OMW’s managing director of UK distribution, says: “Our Investment Academy will support advisers that want to continue to develop their expertise and reach the peak of their profession by attaining Chartered status.

“The CII research shows consumers value Chartered status and see it as a mark of professionalism and integrity.”