Multi-Asset Masterclass in Dubai next month

Multi-asset investing is a holistic approach to investment that balances risk with clients’ profiles. For banks and financial advisers, multi-asset investing has the potential to provide a simple, yet sophisticated solution for retail-level and affluent investors.

Multi-Asset Masterclass in Dubai next month


The first International Adviser Multi-Asset Masterclass is designed to educate bank fund selectors, wealth management heads and high-value independent advisers about the different multi-asset styles and investment approaches taken by some of the world’s leading asset managers.

The masterclass on 9 February 2016 at the Shangri-La Hotel in Dubai, will help attendees determine the most suitable solution for your clients and your business in a volatile investing world.

The masterclass is free to attend and all delegates will receive a CPD certificate on request. Spaces are going fast so book now to avoid disappointment.