another morgan stanley asia employee

Morgan Stanley has again been chastised by Hong Kong’s City watchdog, with one of its researchers receiving a 14-month industry ban.

another morgan stanley asia employee


The Securities and Futures Commission banned former Morgan Stanley Asia research associate Calvin Ho Kei Him from re-entering the industry from 12 March to 11 May 2014 following an investigation. The ban comes a week after its former managing director, Du Jun, was banned from the financial services industry in Hong Kong for life.

In a statement, the SFC said its investigation into Ho found that between 2009 and 2011, he had:

  • failed to identify and disclose to his employer all securities accounts related to him and the stock trading activities conducted through these accounts;
  • failed to take adequate steps to avoid conflicts of interest between the stock trading activities in the securities accounts related to him and his employment as a research associate; and
  • made false and/or misleading declarations in relation to outside securities accounts related to him.

The SFC said Ho’s misconduct “called into question his fitness and properness as a licensed person”.