Money market fund outflows continue in Europe

European-domiciled funds recorded net outflows of some 14bn in June, according to Lipper


The data showed that the headline fall in assets under management across Europe was mainly down to investors continuing to pull out of money market funds, which lost €30bn

With these funds stripped out, fund flows rose to €16bn in June, said Lipper FMI. The net figure for May excluding money market fund was a decline of €4bn.

Lipper said fixed income and mixed assets funds recorded some of the largest inflows, while equity funds were also positive, though only to the tune of €1.2bn.

Among providers, Carmignac reported the greatest inflows across its funds  – €1.3bn – and also the single highest sum into an individual fund, with a net investment of €537m in its Investissment Fund. Fidelity was chief beneficiary when it came to equity funds, with inflows of €1bn.

Allianz-Pimco and Franklin Templeton were the top beneficiaries of inflows into bond funds, dividing €30bn between them. Pimco’s Total Return Bond Fund had the largest individual inflow of €1.4bn, said Lipper.