New ‘model manufacturers’ to lead commission disclosure push

The only ever-constant is change but much of it, says RL360°’s David Kneeshaw is to be welcomed, adopted and benefited from.


The chain of international life companies, fund groups and IFAs are about to undergo fundamental changes to their business and distribution models which go beyond what many would see as merely “desirable and necessary”.

In the next two years, possibly pushed out to five, David Kneeshaw, RL360°’s chief executive, expects to see commission disclosure on a global basis, insurance that ‘expert investor’ funds are not made available to retail clients and greater due diligence by these same life companies on the intermediaries they do business with.

Listen in to Kneeshaw’s views on the future shape of the relationship between the life companies, fund groups and IFAs and how the regulator is looming large over all three.


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