Meet the asset allocators: Chris Metcalfe

Chris Metcalfe, CIO at Iboss, breaks down his views on China and why he believes 60/40 investing still has a place


Despite the perception of being “uninvestable”, Chris Metcalfe, chief investment officer at Iboss, remains bullish on the prospects for Chinese equities going forward.

Speaking to PA+ as part of the latest Meet the Asset Allocators: The Future of Multi-Asset series, Metcalfe said the group is seeing a lot of opportunities in emerging markets.

“The best valuations are outside of the areas that worked particularly well over the past two or three years,” he said. “What we’re looking at is who’s doing well in the current environment so, for instance, we’re still relatively bullish on China.”

Given the performance of Chinese equities has been a large headwind for emerging market funds in general for the past three years, Metcalfe said the go-to word once you said “China” has been “un-investable”.

“However we’ve noticed over the past few weeks, actually, the word “un-investable” seems to be getting used less,” he said.

To get more on Metcalfe’s outlook, his views on claims about the demise of 60/40 investing and why he believes financial advisers are “unsung heroes”, see the full video above.

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