Mashreq Capital welcomes Moody’s upgrade

Mashreq Capital, the asset management arm of UAE-bank Mashreq, said its strong investment performance and significant growth in assets under management was behind its recent upgrade by Moody’s Investors Service.

Mashreq Capital welcomes Moody’s upgrade


Moody’s raised Mashrek Capital’s Investment Manager Quality Assessment to MQ2 from MQ3 earlier this month.

Mashrek Capital said that Moody’s had noted that company’s funds have shown strong risk-adjusted returns and have consistently met their risk-return objectives.

“The funds have outperformed both global and local benchmarks, as well as most of local peers,” it said in a statement.

Abdul Kadir Hussain, chief executive of Mashreq Capital said: “We are very pleased with the upgrade to MQ2 which reaffirms Mashreq Capital’s capabilities, processes and exceptional track record in MENA equities and fixed income within the conventional and Islamic space.

Moody’s Management Quality (MQ) ratings run from MQ1 to MQ5 and are based on an assessment of all investment management activities, including factors such as the performance of products, the financial profile of the company and the entity’s client servicing performance.

MQ2 firms are judged to exhibit a very good management and control environment.