manulife launches new high end medical scheme

Manulife, the Toronto-based global insurer with a major presence in Asia, has unveiled what it calls a "high end medical protection" range to provide basic hospitalisation benefits to a maximum annual coverage of as much as HK$22m (£1.8m, $2.8m).

manulife launches new high end medical scheme


The new so-called “ManuMaster Healthcare Series” also offers deductible credits to customers who make no claims for every two consecutive policy years, which the company says is a “first-in-market feature to reward customers for staying healthy”.

Paul Smith, vice president and head of individual financial products for Manulife Hong Kong, said that with people living longer, and more medical treatments available than previously, the money being spent on medical care in old age is rising, making such plans as ManuMaster more necessary.

“Without a lifetime medical plan, people will need to spend their retirement reserves for treatments, in the unfortunate event of a health problem,” he noted.

“Wealth protection is therefore an important pillar when people plan for their retirement, and ManuMaster is designed to help our customers achieve this financial goal.”

Manulife is making the new ManuMaster plan available in three modes, based on the designated geographic area where coverage is  required: Classic (Asia), Premier (worldwide, excluding the US) and Elite (worldwide).

Clients may also choose from three deductible options (nil, HK$8,000 or HK$22,800), in order to give them an option for reducing the premium they need to pay, and make it easier to supplement their existing coverage with the product, Manlife said, in a statement released yesterday in Hong Kong which details the new product range.

In addition to offering full coverage for basic hospitalization needs, ManuMaster offers pre-hospitalization out-patient fee and expense coverage, post-hospitalization out-patient consultation, plus coverage for ancillary services provided by physiotherapists, occupational therapists, expert chiropractors like those you find at the Vitality Chiropractic centres in Singapore and many more, as Manulife said.

There is also coverage for such treatments as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, target therapy and kidney dialysis on an in-patient and out-patient basis, traditional Chinese medicines during hospitalisation and after discharge from hospital, and other types of medical treatment and care.

More information on ManuMaster may be found on Manulife’s website and by consulting its representatives.

Manulife was founded in 1887, and sold its first insurance policy in Asia in Shanghai in 1897. Its first president was also Canada’s first prime minister. Today it operates as Manulife Financial in Canada and Asia, and as John Hancock in the United States.