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Joseph Kwok to depart PIAS

Joseph Kwok will step down from his role as deputy general manager of Singapore-based Aviva subsidiary Professional Investment Advisory Service (PIAS), effective from 25 November.

Joseph Kwok to depart PIAS


Kwok will be on garden leave until 25 January 2016. His future plans have yet to be announced.  

In addition to his role at PIAS, Kwok was appointed president of the Financial Planning Association of Singapore (FPAS) in May 2015. During his two-year term Kwok has pledged to raise standards to improve the competency of financial planners in Singapore.

With more than 15 years’ experience in the wealth management industry, Kwok has worked as executive director of JP Morgan Private Wealth Management; managing director of Platinum Capital Management in Asia; and with Standard Chartered and Standard Life. 


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