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Jersey targets philanthropic investment

Jersey has developed a brochure to advertise the island as a destination for the formation and administration of philanthropic structures.

Jersey targets philanthropic investment


According to Jersey Finance, the island has the technical means and the experience, and has recently developed its laws to allow structures to be established quickly and more cost effectively. 

Structured giving is becoming increasingly important for individuals and families at all levels and is no longer the reserve of ultra-high net worth individuals, according to Jersey Finance.

The brochure includes insights on impact investing and explains how professional firms in Jersey are assisting clients around the world to identify and run philanthropic endeavours.

Examples include:

  • A charitable trust managing the inheritance of a titled European client who wishes to assist in Latin America
  • A Jersey foundation for a private equity firm in Dubai, whose shareholders are drawn from across the GCC
  • Impact investing by a listed Hong Kong multinational, whereby an Expert Fund provided investment capital for two highly successful urban regeneration projects
  • A charitable foundation which targets its philanthropic activity on projects making an impact in East Africa and South Asia

To access the brochure, click here

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