jersey signs tieas with brazil and latvia

Jersey has signed two tax agreements this week, one with G20 nation Brazil and the other with EU member state Latvia.

jersey signs tieas with brazil and latvia


The UK Crown Dependency said the Tax Information Exchange Agreements were signed in London by Jersey’s assistant chief minister with responsibility for external relations Senator Sir Philip Bailhache.

Jersey Finance said signing the agreements, which are in line with OECD standards and facilitate the exchange of tax information on request, “demonstrates [Jersey’s] commitment to building strong and mutually beneficial relationships with EU Member States and G20 nations”.

Jersey Finance chief executive Geoff Cook said: “Jersey has now signed 31 Tax Information Exchange Agreements in total, a significant proportion of those with EU and G20 nations.

“Not only is that beneficial in terms of building good quality business with those countries, it is also a reflection of Jersey’s genuine desire to comply with international standards and cooperate fully with the EU and G20 – particularly pertinent given the UK’s presidency of the G20 this year.”