Jersey’s finance minister out as chief minister clings on

Jersey’s assistant chief minister Philip Ozouf has been ousted, having only returned to the political fold on 26 May after he resigned in January, with chief minister Ian Gorst maintaining his slim grip on power following calls for a vote of no confidence.


Ozouf, who was assistant chief minister with responsibility for Jersey’s financial services, digital, competition and innovation matters, confirmed Tuesday that he continues to support Gorst.

The former assistant chief minister blamed political manoeuvring and attempts to hold a vote of no confidence against Gorst as drivers for his sacking.

On his blog, Ozouf wrote: “I have no option but to speak out as it’s clear the [chief minister] – who I support – is being pressurised by an unnamed group of people who are demanding my head for allegations that have either been investigated and dealt with and being tried by kangaroo courts with no option to defend myself.

“I will always put Jersey first. But what has been going on in recent days is beyond the pale.”

Innovation fund

The former senator resigned as assistant chief minister in January after a report was published highlighting a catalogue of failings in how the island’s innovation fund awarded more than £2m ($2.6m, €2.3m) of taxpayers’ money to start-ups.

The fund came under scrutiny after a government whistleblower told ITV News in June 2016 that a company that received a £400,000 loan from the fund may have disappeared.

Ozouf assumed full responsibility for the Jersey Innovation Fund at the start of 2016.

On his blog, Ozouf explained: “I resigned from my position as assistant chief minister […] on 17 January 2017 to allow an independent inquiry in the wake of the respected comptroller and auditor general’s report into the handling on the innovation fund that has been set up and run at the instigation of Economic Development in 2012.”

Gorst reinstated Ozouf in May on the grounds that when he found out the fund was not operating properly, Ozouf took action.

Not continue

The chief minister’s department announced Tuesday that Gorst “has decided that [Ozouf] should not continue to hold the position of assistant chief minister”.

Gorst said: “It is disappointing that senator Ozouf’s reappointment has become an unfortunate cause of diversion from the task of undertaking the important government work lies ahead. Senator Ozouf was reappointed to drive forward progress in the financial services and digital sectors for which, as I said at the time, he is well equipped to undertake.

“It has, however, become clear over the last few weeks that his re-appointment has unfortunately developed into a serious distraction from the ongoing work of the Council of Ministers.

“I am sure that as a Member of the States Assembly senator Ozouf will continue to focus on serving islanders and on making a positive contribution to the future of Jersey.”