janus rolls out global bond fund

Janus Capital has launched Global Flexible Income Fund, an Irish-domiciled Ucits vehicle investing across both investment grade and high yield credit with an emphasis on capital preservation.

janus rolls out global bond fund


Managed by co-CIO and head of fixed income, Gibson Smith, alongside Darrell Watters and Chris Diaz, the fund’s primary benchmark is Barclays Capital Global Aggregate Bond Index.

Smith described the fund as a natural extension of Janus’ credit-driven approach with an “alternative and complementary” style to many of the macro-driven strategies that dominate the global fixed income marketplace.

“Our global bond fund extends the same bottom-up research process that we have used for more than two decades here in the US to the European and Asian markets,” he added.

“With our credit-oriented approach, we’re looking for companies that are going through a positive fundamental transformation of their capital structure, and thus present the best risk/reward opportunities for our clients.”

In July, Denver-based Janus underlined its retail push with the appointment of Matthew Nagele as head of UK business.