IoMs John Batty to BW Oakfield

John Batty has been named head of pensions at Isle of Man-based BW Oakfield Group.


For the last two and a half years Batty has been business development manager for the insurance sector at Isle of Man Finance, the IoM’s financial services business promotional office.

Prior to this, Batty had been technical manager at Axa Isle of Man, and before that, he worked for HSBC Insurance, in Dubai.

Batty’s appointment comes few months after BW Oakfield, a division of  UK-based Kreston International, merged with EIS Advisors, an Isle of Man accountancy. 

At BW Okafield, Batty will head up the company’s pensions unit, which is being relaunched under the Kreston International brand, and which will be looking to expand the company’s operations in the QROPS market.

BW Oakfield group managing director Stewart Davies said Batty’s “significant contacts worldwide” would help the business to increase its international trust services business.

Batty’s successor at IoM Finance has not been named. As reported, the Isle of Man Government recently announced that it was making radical changes to the way it promotes its financial services and related industries, which will involve the creation of a new "public private sector promotion model".

This new promotional model will provide for the sharing of resources and funding between all parties, the IoM’s Department of Economic Development said in a statement. An Isle of Man spokesman told IA last month, when the changes were unveiled, that Isle of Man Finance as an entity would continue to exist, but in a revised form, and that it was likely to be rebranded.