Intrinsic funds 58-week adviser training course

Students expected to stay as restricted advisers with Intrinsic for two years after qualifying

Founder of giant EU adviser training body ‘undimmed’ by Brexit


Intrinsic is funding a 58-week adviser training programme at the Quilter Financial Adviser School. The programme includes Intrinsic-specific learning, combined with the core programme, so that advisers will be trained on the financial advice network’s systems and processes.

Students will become restricted financial planners within the Intrinsic network, with the idea that they remain for at least two years once they have qualified.

The programme will also offer a five-day administration course for new entrants, so they can work as administrative support before becoming a fully fledged financial adviser. This will also be funded by Intrinsic for firms within its network.

Boosting adviser numbers

Intrinsic chief executive Andy Thompson said: “There are just 20,000 financial advisers for over 15 million people in the UK. The only way we can close that gap and widen access to advice is by helping to actively boost the number of advisers.”

Darren Smith, head of the Quilter Financial Adviser School, said: “Intrinsic are offering a free course so firms don’t have to worry about their finances when thinking about bringing in new financial advisers. Some 95% of students who go through the school remain within the industry as either a mortgage adviser or a financial planner.

“The new Intrinsic specialised course, combined with our whole of market course, has the power to substantially increase the number of people entering the advice profession.”

Robeco education platform

Separately, Robeco has launched an education platform for investment professionals known as Robeco Essentials, with seven modules planned. The first available module covers sustainability investing and comprises nine building blocks in the form of animated videos, charts, case studies and a summary. After completing a module, a test is available to help demonstrate continuing professional development.

The online educational modules are available in local languages in Spain, Italy, France, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Christoph von Reiche, head of global distribution & marketing at the Dutch asset manager, said: “In our conversations with clients, we noticed a need for educational materials that help investment professionals gain a better understanding of certain themes.”