Intermediary misconduct tops HK regulator investigations

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) investigated 226 intermediaries for misconduct in 2015/16, up from 187 the previous year.

Intermediary misconduct tops HK regulator investigations


The number of investigations into intermediary misconduct has increased every year since 2011/12.

The SFC also carried out a range of investigations into corporate disclosure, corporate mis-governance, insider dealing, market manipulation, and unlicensed activities.  

Intermediary misconduct, however, tops the list every year (see table). 

Unlicensed activity

The second most prevalent area of investigation is market manipulation, but one of the fastest growing is unlicensed activity.

What was the smallest area of investigation in 2011/12; unlicensed activities now rank third, overtaking insider dealing and corporate disclosure and mis-governance.

  For more information about complaints and prosecutions, click through to the next page…