Insurance body rolls out digital ethics guide

It aims to make sure client interests ‘remain at the heart of technological progress’


The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has unveiled a guide to digital ethical standards for insurance professionals.

It sets out five core areas of responsibility in a bid to ensure client interests “remain at the heart of technological progress”.

Issues include how to make ethical use of client data and analytics, helping practitioners consider the wider ramifications of their digital initiatives, and guidance on how to navigate conflicts of interest.

The guide also addresses the issue of the innate bias of digital technology and considering the risk of discrimination.

It has been put together by the CII’s digital ethics forum, including digital and policy experts from the Association of British Insurers, British Insurance Brokers Association, Aviva, Worry & Peace and Capital Law.

Clear and consistent

Sian Fisher, chief executive of the CII, said: “As a profession, we earn the trust of the public by understanding their needs and providing products, services and advice that puts them at the centre.

“The public rightly judges us by the whole experience they receive, including how they feel their data may be used, the fairness of our decision-making, and the transparency of our communications.

“A clear and consistent ethical approach becomes ever more important as elements of our service are increasingly delivered digitally.”