Infini cut min investment to draw in ME retail market

Dubai-based Infini Asset Management has lowered the minimum investment into its flagship product to $10,000, as it looks to “better engage the retail sector”.

Infini cut min investment to draw in ME retail market


The minimum investment into the Infini Hedge Fund was previously $100,000, allowing it to target the high net worth individual and family office categories.

“We recognise the need to lower the minimum investment to allow us to better engage the retail sector,” said vice president of business development, Graham Crutchley.

“Our non-market correlation, our low volatility and our highly liquid approach make us an extremely good hedge for any traditional portfolio.

“We are starting to gain some very good traction with IFAs throughout the Middle East and Asia Pacific.”

The Infini Hedge Fund has $14m in assets under management, no management fee and a performance fee of 30%. Last month, it returned 2.8%.

It is a market neutral product which invests across 19 underlying stocks including energy, stock indexes, treasury, grains, currencies, metals, and commodities.

In February, Infini opened the Cayman-domiciled product to third party subscriptions, allowing it to be sold across the globe, excluding Europe.