I’m not a eurosceptic, says Yanis Varoufakis

In this Q&A session, filmed at a Pan-European Congress hosted by International Adviser’s sister publication Expert Investor, Yanis Varoufakis reveals exclusively why he is not a eurosceptic. He also explains why he admires Wolfgang Schäuble, and much more.


Not known for tempering his opinions, Varoufakis admitted to congress attendees that he “would be tempted to vote for Brexit to give these smug people in Brussels a bloody nose”. 

In this video, Varoufakis reveals what happened during his first meeting with eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem.  

He also explains why he recorded all but one of the eurogroup meetings he attended, and why he doesn’t deserve to be criticised about this.

Last but not least, he outlines how the ECB’s QE programme should be reformed to make it more effective. 


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