ia voted most important title mid east

International Adviser has been voted the most important publication by advisers across the Middle East.

ia voted most important title mid east


This year’s Middle East Investment Panorama, commissioned by Insight Discovery, surveyed advisers to find that the majority identified International Adviser as their most important magazine and online source of news.

Nigel Sillitoe, chief executive of Insight Discovery, said: “What our survey shows is that nearly 60% of financial advisers rely on International Adviser more than any other publication.

“What we found interesting was that, of the advisers who subscribe to e-alerts, 55% stated that they value the magazine’s e-bulletins the most.”

Sam Instone, chief executive of AES International, added: “I completely agree with Insight Discovery’s finding that International Adviser is the pre-eminent publication for product providers, funds, and intermediaries within the Middle East.

“It provides an invaluable source of market news, technical information and insight into the sector, and has a very strong following amongst almost all parts of the international financial services marketplace.”

Last Word Media would like to thank advisers for their support and interest in International Adviser

The Middle East Investment Panorama covers a range of issues such as brand recognition, online behaviour and platforms.

For more information on the research, please visit – http://www.insight-discovery.com

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