IA launches Best Practice Adviser Awards 2023

Firms will have until 15 September to enter submissions


International Adviser is delighted to announce that it has launched its global Best Practice Awards 2023 in partnership with Morningstar Wealth Platform.

The awards celebrate the achievements of the top financial advice firms in the UK, Europe, South Africa, Middle East and east Asia.

They are a global showcase for firms to highlight their accomplishments in embedding best practice in every aspect of their business, from front-line advice to back-office support.

The submission entries will be open until 15 September 2023.

The categories for all five regions include:

  • Excellence in Business Strategy;
  • Excellence in Professional Development;
  • Excellence in Client Service;
  • Excellence in Marketing;
  • Excellence in Investment Planning;
  • Excellence in Digital Innovation;
  • Excellence in Diversity;
  • Best ESG Initiative;
  • Best Support Team;
  • Best Adviser Firm established under three years;
  • Best Adviser Firm – by region; and
  • Overall Best Adviser Firm.

Click here for the 2023 Best Practice Adviser Awards website to enter submissions.

Robbie Lawther, editor at International Adviser, said: “I am delighted that we are continuing the Best Practice Adviser Awards in partnership with Morningstar Wealth Platform for 2023.

“The awards have become a vital part of the international financial advice market – and entries continue to get better each year. It is a great way for companies to show how they are putting best practices in their business and making sure they continue to strive for professionalism.

“We are looking to make 2023 a record breaking year for the number of entries – so please take the time to enter the most prestigious awards in the international financial advice industry.”

Mark Sanderson, managing director at Morningstar Wealth, added: “At Morningstar Wealth, empowering investor successes is the foundation of everything we do. We believe that good financial advice is key to empowering investors and helping them achieve great financial outcomes. And that’s why we’re excited to be part of the International Adviser Best Practice Adviser Awards”.