hmrc set to lose four of five tax officials

Four of HM Revenue & Customs top five civil servants are set to leave the organisation this summer, according to the Financial Times

hmrc set to lose four of five tax officials


The FT said the departures are part of a spate which will “strip HMRC of its most experienced tax professionals”.

According to the newspaper, three of HMRC’s five commissioners, who are accountable to the UK parliament for collecting taxes, are planning to retire. Meanwhile, a fourth, Steve Lamey, director-general for benefits and credit, is leaving to work in the private sector.

In addition, the revenue is also in the process of changing its top management team and is seeking replacements for chairman Mike Clasper and Naomi Ferguson, director of customer and strategy, who is leaving to take up a position chief executive and commissioner of the New Zealand tax authority.

The FT said the departure of the four commissioners “highlights the concentration of tax expertise at the top that has been a growing concern”.

Indeed, the newspaper goes on tom quote Dave Hartnett, the permanent secretary for tax, who is among those about to retire, as having told MPs last October: “I have had concerns at various times that – if I can put it this way – I am the only commissioner in HMRC who has deep tax knowledge.”

To read the FT article you may click here