Heptagon offers daily liquidity with launch of

Heptagon Capital has announced the launch of the first actively managed China A shares fund to provide daily liquidity under the RFQII program.

Heptagon offers daily liquidity with launch of


Launched in partnership with China’s third largest fund manager, Harvest Global Investments, Heptagon says the Harvest China A Shares Equity Fund is the first UCITS fund to follow an actively-managed strategy in the China A shares equity market.

It is also the first product to provide daily liquidity under the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) program, the scheme which allows licensed foreign investors to buy and sell Yuan-denominated A shares in China's mainland stock exchanges.

The fund will be launched on Heptagon’s Irish UCITS platform, with Harvest as the sub-investment manager.

'Superior Growth and Quality'

Heptagon said the fund will employ a “growth at a reasonable price” approach, and is to focus on “well-positioned companies with superior growth and quality”.

The Group added that the fund will offer unhedged dollar, euro and sterling share classes.

Chief executive at Harvest Global Investments, Hong Kong, Peng Choy, said: “Harvest was one of the first groups to receive RQFII status in 2011, and since then we have been at the vanguard of efforts to allow international investors to gain exposure to the economic opportunities in China, and indeed the wider Asian markets, across all asset classes.”

The fund comes hot on the heels of emerging markets specialist East Capital, which in January launched the Luxembourg-registered China A-Shares Fund from its Stockholm HQ and Hong Kong offices.