Hazel Capital launches cleantech equity fund

Hazel Capital is launching a Dublin-domiciled Ucits III clean energy and technology fund


Hazel Capital is launching a Dublin-domiciled Ucits III clean energy and technology fund.

The Hazel Global Cleantech Equity Fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth and returns in excess of its benchmark, the NEX Index, by investing in a global portfolio of companies operating in the ‘cleantech’ sector.

According to Hazel Capital, the cleantech sector comprises more than 1,000 environmental technology and services companies, with over $1trn in market capitalization working in renewable energy, renewable utilities, energy efficiency, energy storage, environmental sustainability, alternative transportation and water.

The NEX benchmark is a global index of 86 companies listed on 25 exchanges in 20 countries whose innovative technologies and services focus on the generation and use of cleaner energy, conservation, efficiency and the advancement of renewable energy in general.

Ben Guest, founder of Hazel Capital and portfolio manager, said: 
“We believe the greatest returns will come from participating in the growth of companies which are benefiting from the fundamental, long-term shift in energy supply and conservation.

“This is not dissimilar to an investment approach successfully applied to investing in technology companies in the late 80s and throughout the 1990s. We have identified a large, under-penetrated market opportunity and an abundance of well-run, highly-profitable companies in the sector we invest in.”

The Hazel Cleantech Equity Fund is available in a retail and an institutional class, in sterling, dollars or euros.


Name: The Hazel Global Cleantech Equity Fund

Domicile: Dublin

Minimum investment: 10,000 £,$,€

Share classes: GBP, EUR, USD

Type of fund: open-ended absolute return fund of funds

Annual charge: 1.5%

Performance fee: 10% above NEX hurdle with high water mark

Launch date: 18 January 2010

Managers: Ben Guest and Bozkurt Aydinoglu
UK distributor status: yes