Hansard International launches flexible commission bond

Hansard International has launched a bond offering a zero commission option for financial advisers recommending single premium products to clients.

Hansard International launches flexible commission bond


The Universal Personal Portfolio (UPP) Z1 bond, which was developed following discussions with financial advisers around the world, offers a range of charging options to suit clients’ individual requirements.

Gordon Marr, global chief executive, said: “It is a structure where commission can be sacrificed to leave only a small quarterly service charge in place.”

The UPP Z1 provides policyholders with penalty free access to their investment at any time, and is available in life or capital redemption options.

Graham Morrall, global sales & marketing director, said: “The launch of UPP Z1 is, once again, an example of us delivering on direct feedback from the adviser community.

“Its introduction provides advisers with an alternative option for their clients that require access to a universe of thousands of assets, with the peace of mind of settling associated charges on day one.”