Hansard International launches new ‘I Want To….’ campaign

Hansard International has launched a new campaign which highlights how the company is engaging with brokers and offering modern, practical solutions for them and their clients.

Hansard International launches new ‘I Want To….’ campaign


Its ‘I Want To….’ campaign is inspired by feedback from more than 5,000 advisers and policyholders in an annual survey conducted by the Isle of Man based savings and investments provider. Respondents provided input over four months via Hansard’s two online platforms; Online Accounts, which was used for clients’ feedback, and Hansard Online (HOL) which was used for feedback from advisers.

Graham Morrall, Global Sales and Marketing Director, commented “Significant work has been undertaken to ensure that we continue to develop our proposition and the latest ‘I Want To…’ campaign highlights how we are meeting the needs of brokers and their clients. The survey is an excellent way of engaging with brokers, and it provided excellent feedback, of which 85% of advisers rated Hansard’s service as ‘excellent or good’. It also highlighted points we need to emphasise our adherence to more, and these are the basis for the ‘I Want To….’ campaign.

Feedback indicated that brokers want to work with a provider which not only claims to be competitive, but is also willing to prove it. Whilst this is a challenge we have always been able to meet, we’re now putting greater emphasis on this key issue when promoting the excellent value offered by our new product range. We’re confident that this will encourage more brokers to look again at how we can help them and their clients.”

Other elements in the ‘I Want To…’ campaign highlight Hansard’s proven track record, long-term commitment to its chosen markets, and its determination to continue to develop its award winning HOL platform. HOL currently drives 90% of new business applications, and it allows applications to be turned around in under 48. There’s also a HOL Lite platform which is a mobile-friendly ‘light’ version of HOL that allows advisers to try out many of its main features simply by registering through our HOL login

This latest announcement comes hot on the heels of more good news for Hansard which achieved an excellent +52 score after adopting the internationally recognised ‘Net Promoter Score’ (NPS) as a measure of its customer service excellence. NPS measures the quality of service and loyalty that exists between a provider and a consumer by asking one simple but vital question: ‘How likely is it that you would recommend Hansard to a friend or colleague?’

The NPS scale ranges from minus 100 (in this instance, everybody surveyed would not make a recommendation) to +100 (if everyone in the survey responds positively). Any plus score is generally considered to be good, and an NPS of +50 or higher is excellent. To put Hansard International’s score into context, Apple – a company that is universally regarded as one of true innovators in global business – recently attained an NPS of +67.

Hansard International is part of Hansard Global Plc which has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2006. For more information about the ‘I want to…’ campaign, click here