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Globaleye extends hiring spree to add UK tax expert

International advisory firm Globaleye has moved ahead with the rollout of its new-look business model by announcing the appointment of tax expert Gary Wright as head of UK taxation.

Globaleye extends hiring spree to add UK tax expert


Wright is the third high-profile appointment in recent weeks following the announcement  that Gaenor Jones would become head of wealth management and Ray Pither had been  appointed  global head of compliance.

Like Pither, Wright spent a large proportion of his career with The Fry Group. He also worked for HM Revenue and Customs early in his career.

Dubai-headquartered Globaleye said the latest appointment formed part of the process of developing a new business model to highlight how seriously it took matters of compliance, and to reinforce its pledge to deliver regulated financial planning advice, raise stadnards and fair outcomes for clients.  

Under plans announced by the UAE Insurance Authority, new financial adviser regulation is expected to emerge at any time which will ban industry practices such as the payment of upfront commissions on life company products.

The Globaleye appointments also follow the recent departure of former managing director Scot Balsdon, who joined rival IFA firm Holborn Assets and who was part of a large contingent of Globaleye staff to make the same move.

Commenting on the latest appointment, Globaleye chairman Tim Searle said:  “I am honoured that Gary has joined Globaleye and he brings with him years of extensive and specialist tax knowledge being a forward-thinking and dedicated practitioner of tax advice.

“His vast experience will help Globaleye continue to build on its mission to promote high standards of advice, not only in the UAE but for our operations around the world.”

Gary Wright said: I am looking forward to helping British and foreign nationals establish sound tax and financial solutions to what is becoming a growing sector in complexity.

“With the recent changes post the UK Spring Budget on pensions, property tax and the implications of Brexit to name just a few key areas, Globaleye’s clients have access to enhanced levels of advice which is great for them.”


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