Fund selector: Japan’s arrows of fortune?

While the first two ‘arrows’ of Abenomics have helped boost Japanese equity performance and devalued the yen, the jury is still out on whether the strategy is succeeding. Much will depend on the third arrow of structural reform.

Fund selector: Japan's arrows of fortune?


Assets under management

Polar Capital Japan has a Morningstar Analyst rating of Silver. The fund has been managed since its 2001 launch by James Salter (pictured). The manager combines top-down considerations, particularly at what he believes to be key turning points such as 2008 and 2012, with a relative value stock selection process. The fund is well equipped to outperform across a variety of market conditions and investors have been rewarded over the long term.

The Man GLG Japan CoreAlpha Fund has a Morningstar Analyst rating of Gold. It has been run by Stephen Harker and Neil Edwards in its current form since early 2006, when they believed larger-cap stocks would deliver strong long-term excess returns due to their compelling attractiveness. The team employs a distinct bottom-up approach with a deep value style.

Offering investors exposure to the Japanese equity market by tracking the performance of the MSCI Japan Index, Vanguard Japan Stock Index has a Morningstar Analyst Rating of Silver. The fund fully replicates the index by investing in all its constituents. The management process is geared to delivering index returns at a minimum possible cost. The fund has lagged behind its benchmark by less than its ongoing charge since inception.