Fraudster given 400 extra days in prison

A UK conman who cold called and pressurised investors has been given additional jail time for failing to pay back ill-gotten gains.


Ross Peters was ordered to pay £136,238 ($181,892 €154,821) in January 2017 and had until April to pay up.

He coughed up just £20,869.

“Confiscation orders cannot be ignored and will be enforced to ensure wrongdoers are held to account and their victims compensated as far as possible,” said Mark Steward, director of Enforcement and Market Oversight at the FCA.

The sentence imposed Tuesday is in addition to the term of five and a half years’ imprisonment that Peters received in 2015.

Even after having served the sentence in default of payment, Peters will continue to be liable for the outstanding debt and the interest, which is accruing at a rate of £26 a day.

Peters was one of eight men convicted of cold-calling potential investors using sales scripts, misleading promotional material, and high-pressure sales techniques to lie about the current and future value of the land.

Recovered money will be used to compensate victims of the land investment scam which conned £4.3m out of investors.