ESG: 50 Shades of Green

At Momentum Global Investment Management (Momentum), we specialise in designing, building and managing outcome-based investment solutions, delivered through multi-asset and single-asset portfolios as well as tailored client solutions. We acknowledge that there is an increasing client focus on sustainable investing and are proud to have recently published our 2022 Stewardship Report, which details how responsible…


At Momentum Global Investment Management (Momentum), we specialise in designing, building and managing outcome-based investment solutions, delivered through multi-asset and single-asset portfolios as well as tailored client solutions.

We acknowledge that there is an increasing client focus on sustainable investing and are proud to have recently published our 2022 Stewardship Report, which details how responsible investment practices are embedded across our business and portfolios. We have applied to become signatories to the UK Stewardship Code and our parent company has been a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2006.

Our Momentum GF Global Sustainable Equity Fund, launched in May 2020 has been designed to provide a low cost, core exposure to developed markets around the world.  The fund provides highly diversified exposure to rewarded style premia, such as quality, value, momentum and size. This systematic approach aims to deliver stable outperformance after costs compared to capitalization weighted market indices, with a low tracking error.

The Fund also aims for an improved environmental footprint (at least 20% reductions in carbon emissions, water usage and waste generation) and a better sustainability profile compared to the Benchmark by integrating ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) factors, and has obtained an Article 8 status under SFDR, to reflect the high level of ESG integration within the strategy. In addition, the fund has no exposure to businesses deriving significant revenues from contentious areas such as tobacco, coal, palm oil, global compact breaches, and controversial weapons.

Since launch the Fund has returned more than +28%* in US dollar terms, or +11%* per annum.

At Momentum, we are fully committed to our role as an active and responsible steward of our client’s capital.

For more information on our single-asset funds visit our website

Momentum GF Global Sustainable Equity Fund – Discrete 5-year performance to 31 October 2022


Source: Momentum Global Investment Management, FactSet, Morningstar, JP Morgan Bank (Luxembourg). Performance figures prior to the inception date of Class A share, 10 August 2020, have been simulated by adjusting Class I share’s past performance to reflect its prevailing fees. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.