EM bond funds to watch based on their AuM

There has been little movement in the top ranking global emerging markets bonds funds in terms of their assets under management in the past 12 months.

EM bond funds to watch based on their AuM


As part of its fund selector analysis feature on emerging market debt, Morningstar has identified the funds to watch based on their assets under management. 

The $4bn (£3.18bn, €3.7bn) Templeton Emerging Markets Bond Fund is managed by managers Michael Hasenstab and Laura Burakreis, who implement a high-conviction approach. The managers are known for sometimes building quite large stakes in unloved sovereign credits and being highly active in managing duration and currency exposure. They are backed by a well-resourced team of economist and country analysts.

At $7bn in assets under management, the Pictet Global Emerging Debt Fund is one of the largest in the category. The strategy is managed by Simon Lue-Fong and has been head of GEM bonds at Pictet since 2005. The fund is managed with an emphasis on limiting downside risk by establishing profit-loss thresholds for each active position taken. The fund invests mainly in hard currency debt, but may hold up to 30% in local currency bonds.

Far from its $8bn peak in 2013, the Julius Baer Local Emerging Bond Fund’s assets under management are still significant at near $5bn. Lead manager Paul McNamara took over the strategy at its inception in 2000. His two co-managers, Denise Prime and Caroline Gorman, have been with the strategy for six and 10 years, respectively. The local debt strategy in place here is benchmark-aware but quite flexible.