Elevate adds FPI product as Axa Wealth Int’l rolls out overseas tax facts sheets

Axa Wealth International has produced a range of Tax Intelligence documents covering Europe


The Isle of Man life company said the documents had been produced in response to demand from IFAs.

Deloitte Private Client Services assisted Axa in compiling the fact sheets, which provide information on laws and tax rules affecting people who invest in offshore bonds and intend to live in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta.  

Richard Leeson, sales and marketing director, Axa Wealth International, said: “In the past there has been a lack of readily available information for IFAs looking to advise clients who want to retire abroad.

“This sort of document has never been available before, and we are pleased to be able to offer our advisers a unique service – providing regularly updated tax information on the most popular overseas retirement locations for Brits.”

In a separate development, Axa’s wrap platform, Elevate, has agreed a number of “key partnerships”, including through the addition of Friends Provident International’s offshore bond, Reserve Advance.

Irvine Baxter, regional sales director UK, for FPl, said: “Adding the Reserve Advance bond to the AXA Elevate platform means that advisers can not only look after client’s money via the tax advantages our offshore bond offers, but their clients will benefit from the efficiencies, such as Elevate’s functionality and flexibility.”