Market volatility making 21% of UK investors seek advice

Aegon’s survey also found 69% not planning to take action with their investments despite uncertainty


Over one in five (21%) UK investors said they have sought or plan to seek financial advice in the next year to consider their investment options due to market uncertainty, with 60% concerned about impact on their investments, according to an Aegon survey.

Out of 650 respondents to the survey, 69% said they are not planning to take any action with their investments despite economic conditions.

Just under one in five (19%) said they are planning to alter their investments and of this figure, 14% said they are reassessing in order to diversify.

With global stock markets volatile, investors are continuing to hold their nerve with 63% saying that they haven’t reduced their exposure to equities in the last three months.

Nick Dixon, investment director at Aegon, said: “In recent weeks, we’ve seen a number of risk factors impacting global stock markets including evidence of a slowdown in the US and Chinese economies, Brexit uncertainty and ongoing trade wars between the US and China.

“Political and economic uncertainty has understandably created ongoing concern among investors.

“However, what is evident is that investors are looking through the current situation to the likely longer term impacts and good financial advice can help investors avoid any panic decisions.”